All Under One Woof! daycare is committed to attention, exercise, socialization and FUN! We provide a safe, supervised, CAGELESS environment where dogs exercise both body and mind. While playing with newly found friends, your dog will be in seventh heaven!
Dogs are pack animals. Without social interaction during the day, they can become bored, destructive, suffer separation anxiety or bark for hours waiting for you to return.
Our staff gives each dog personal attention. Plus, daycare promotes appropriate play behavior and socialization with both people and dogs, breaking free of the boredom and frustration they can get waiting for you to come home.
Who Can Play…
Join us for fun-filled play days! Just drop off your pooch in the morning and pick up a content dog that’s ready to relax at home and cuddle.
- Puppies at least 12 weeks of age
- 7+ months must be spayed/neutered
- Friendly with dogs and people
- Current on all vaccinations
- On scheduled flea/tick preventative
- Un-protective of food, toys or space
- Must pass free evaluation interview
For dogs with special needs, we will administer oral medications or feed them while at daycare. You must provide medicine and/or food.

Daycare Rates..
- Daily – $35
- 4 days/week – $125
- 5 days/week – $155
- 6 days/week – $180
- Multiple dog – $60/day (2 dog) or $85/day (3 dog)
- Refer a friend – Receive a free visit!
- Late Pick-Up Fee – $10 every 15 mins after 6pm
What to expect…
How do I get “Fido” started?
If you decide to join us for fun-filled play days, simply complete the vaccine certification, consents, and the pet profile before you come in for your dog’s free evaluation interview. The interview takes approximately 30 minutes; we want to make sure everyone gets along!
How is your Daycare set up?
Daycare: We have 2000 sq.ft. of open space with toys and beds; it’s a fun, supervised, cageless environment where the dogs have free reign of the building. They play all day, designating their own nap times if they want to rest. We have old, young, small and big. They form their own playgroups throughout the day according to play style: some are ball dogs, some tug, wrestle or chase. We have quite a variety day-to-day! Daycare is good for socialization, manners, and exercising high-energy dogs. Its nice because they come home tired, ready to relax instead of “Gotta go, Gotta go!”, when your tired from work, its late, cold or too dark to go for that 2 mile walk. We can do lunches, or pill medication-you just need to bring it in the day of daycare with your dog’s name on it.
Do you separate big vs. small dogs?
No, we’re not breed specific either. We just evaluate personalities. Many of our little ones hang out together but a lot of them actually seem to prefer the larger dogs! Our dogs find their “group of friends” according to play style.
How do you know that everyone will get along?
We do a one-time evaluation interview. We schedule an appointment with the new dog and owner, which takes approx. 30-40 minutes. Bring proof of vaccinations, consent form & waiver with you.
The process:
1 We put most of our dogs in time-outs: it might get loud, they don’t bark like that all day, just mostly when we have visitors! They’re all excited to see “Who’s here!?” and meet the newbee!
2 We introduce the new dog, one at a time on leash to different personalities here:
A-Boring “hey how’s it going” dog
B-Puppy “I’m in your face” dog
C-Large dog to make sure size isn’t an issue If all types are OK….
D-Small playgroup-probably not all of them on 1st day-don’t want to overwhelm new dog with too many-just want to make sure that the new one doesn’t feel cornered/ganged up on by numbers
The newbee doesn’t have to play necessarily, just looking for him/her to not be too nervous/fearful (all are a little shy at first to see where they fit in the new environment), feel cornered, or aggressive! If we’re OK with new dog, and you and your dog are OK with our daycare environment, he/she is free to come to daycare anytime after that, as long as there’s availability. You may either schedule weekly, or call the day before you want to bring him/her to make sure there’s room. We have 100+ clients here, and everyone is on different schedules.
What if they don’t get along / dog fight?
They are always supervised! We play with, cuddle, and referee through every day. We stop any play/unwanted behavior before it escalates too far. We redirect energy into other play/things. Our evaluations are very strict, because we want to enjoy our jobs, and want every dog to want to come back. Time-outs are available in the office or on leash, but very rarely used. They’re nice for older ones that are getting too much sass from pups, or really high energy dogs for 5 minute “down times”. They don’t all love each other, and they do pick their best friends from day to day, but the all have to at least get along and co-exist.
Are there specific drop-off/pick-up times?
No, a shyer dog does better with confidence the earlier they are dropped off in the morning, so they can do all of the greeting when the rest of the crew comes in. It helps us to have a guesstimated time frame for both though, so we can try to settle the group a little when you come in. Drop-offs are between 7-10:30 a.m. and pick-ups are anytime in the afternoon until 6 p.m.
Where do the dogs go to the bathroom?
We have an outside privacy, fenced-in area through the back door, where the dogs are allowed to go in and out throughout the entire day. The surface is 1/4 cement, and 3/4 pea gravel. The pea gravel allows us to clean up “potty” messes immediately to keep it sanitary, and there isn’t any grass or mud to get the dogs dirty. The 1st half of the area is covered with an awning.
Do you feed them while at daycare?
Some of our dogs do have a lunch or specific treats that they are allowed. If your dog requires food or medication, we request that you bring it in a bag or container with their name on it. Dogs are separated when eating to avoid any food competition with other dogs. We have treats on site to give periodically through the day (if the dog is allowed). If your dog is on a special diet though, simply let us know on our “Pet Profile” form.
What are the General Guidelines?
All Under One Woof! hours are from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Dogs must wear a collar with identification.
Dogs must be at least 12 weeks of age or older to play.
Dogs must be spayed/neutered when 7 months or older.
Dogs should be non-aggressive, and not food/ toy protective.
Dogs should be generally healthy and up-to-date on all shots.
Any food or medication that your dog requires should be brought the morning of daycare.
The staff should be alerted to any changes in your dogʼs behavior or physical condition (loose stool, medication, vomiting, etc.).
During flea season, all dogs should be on a scheduled flea/tick program.
Payment is due the day of each visit to daycare.
A 24 hour notice is required when canceling a reservation. Failure to notify daycare prior to this may result in being charged for the day.
Only the dogʼs owner may pick up a dog unless other arrangements are made in advance.
There will be a late pick-up charge of $10/15 minutes after 6 p.m. (up until 7 p.m.).

Get Started…
Please print and complete the Pet Profile, Vaccination, and Consent Forms before attending your complimentary evaluation. ALL 3 FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ENROLLING IN DAYCARE OR BOARDING